Monday Keynote!

Please join us for the Monday Keynote of the Black Communities Conference.


Heather L. Hodges

Executive Director, Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Commission


Mark Little

Managing Director, Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise

Keynote Speaker

Arlan Hamilton

Founder and Managing Partner, Backstage Capital

Arlan Hamilton built a venture capital fund from the ground up, while homeless. She is the Founder and Managing Partner of Backstage Capital, a fund that is dedicated to minimizing funding disparities in tech by investing in high-potential founders who are people of color, women, and/or LGBT. Started from scratch in 2015, Backstage has now invested nearly $5m into 100 startup companies led by underestimated founders. In 2018 Arlan co-founded Backstage Studio which launched four accelerator programs for underestimated founders in Detroit, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and London.












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Black Communities: A Conference for Collaboration is Hosted By