The conference Black Communities: A Conference for Collaboration will take place at the Carolina Theater in Durham, NC, also known as the “Bull City,” in April 2018. In preparation for Durham’s sesquicentennial in 2019, a group of historians and community members formed the Bull City 150 project to document and interrogate the city’s past. An exhibit based on their research, titled “Uneven Ground: The Foundations of Housing Inequality in Durham, NC,” recently opened to broad acclaim. It documents Black Durham and the history of shifting manifestations of race and class inequalities and features several interviews from UNC’s Southern Oral History Project (SOHP) archive. The Southern Oral History Program (SOHP) is a co-sponsor of the upcoming conference. From its early days just after the Civil War to the present, Durham’s Black communities have had a rich history of organizing and resilience in the face of inequality, oppression and white supremacy. Learn more about Durham’s history, the exhibit and find links to the relevant interviews on the SOHP’s blog.
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